Privacy & Data collection: NO B.S.

This website is for the express purpose of informing you about an entertainment event happening daily from 17 to 21 September 2024 in Hamburg. We do not directly collect, retain, or pass on any of your personal data. Frankly we have no interest or inclination to analyse where people came to this site from or where they are clicking out to.

That said, this is the internet and there are certain things we cannot control and these include:

SQUARESPACE: This website is created and hosted on Squarespace. We have turned off all analytics and cookies that are within our control as users of Squarespace and have furthermore turned on the Cookies Banner in order to give you full control over the essential cookies collected by Squarespace, and have included the option in the cookies banner to Decline All. This is literally as LITTLE information as it is possible to collect and still have the website.

INSTAGRAM: There are links to our Spacecraftirelend Instagram page, and to the Instagram pages of our event hosting venue, and to various artists and partners involved in the event. The Instagram links are both in the form of an icon graphic in the header and footer, and “hyperlinks”; which is where you can click a word, usually highlighted, and it takes you off the website to another page. IF you click on ANY of these, Instagram will know you clicked via those links. If you are logged into your Instagram page when you click an Instagram link, it will probably use that data to recommend other pages, advertise to you, etc. If you don’t want that, don’t click the links. Instead, open the Instagram app or website and search for the profile you want to see, Instagram will still do all of the aforementioned things, it just won’t be tracking this website as the source of your interaction in this instance. (An aside: While you are over on Instagram go ahead and follow us, share posts, tag us, etc. This is not relevant to this privacy & data statement but it is kind of the point of Instagram). Please don’t forget that META owns Instagram, so even though we opted to not have any Facebook profiles or events, Instagram is still the META data mega-corp. Here again, if you click on Instagram links, you ARE dealing with META. If that’s not horrifying enough for you, keep reading and let’s move onto the next Mega-Corp:

GOOGLE: We assume Google is everywhere and so should you. We are not using any Google fonts outside of those integrated into Squarespace and have opted NOT to link to a Google Map to the event location to cut down on location tracking, and because we hope by now you are capable to copy & paste an address into your preferred mapping app by yourself (we believe in you!). Spacecraftireland does use a Gmail account so if you email us, you will be giving information to us via Google, and you will also be giving us directly your email address and any other personal info you put into the email. We will only retain this information in order to actually interact with you, unless there is some tax or government mandated reason we are required to keep your info, so please feel free to ask us to delete the emails when we are done communicating with you.

OUTSIDE-WEBSITE LINKS: There are links to other websites, such as the host venue, event sponsors, and artists involved in the event. These websites will assuredly also have Cookies banner and Privacy Policies of there own. Here again, we have done everything within our own control to not track you leaving this site. When you click a link to a website linked her on this site please look for the cookies settings on the next site as well. This has nothing to do with our website, but it’s good advice anyway.

EVENT-TICKETING LINKS: There are links to ticketing websites for this event. These links will take you to websites that will ask for your personal information in order to sell you event tickets. But you also have the option of showing up and buying a ticket at the door - fully anonymous!


Spacecraft is an artist collective based in Dublin Ireland. Please contact us if necessary at: