Tues 17th Sept ::: The Independent-Space Programme

SpaceKraft Kino: Double-Bill

HOLD 1 ::: 17th 19:00-23:00

[Film Screenings] - Ticketed

Two feature documentaries portraying the recent histories of independent art projects emerging from the underground, with links and historic parallels to Spacecraft. The films explore the role of charismatic figures within complex collective ventures, and the challenges and paradoxes facing alternative projects claiming space and negotiating an ongoing existence within a wider world and economy.

Invisible Circus: No Dress Rehearsal [99] Dir Naomi Smyth

Charismatic ringmaster, Doug Francis leads his anarchist circus from margins to mainstream with the motto 'If it's not impossible, we're not interested'. The 3-year span of the film takes them from chaotic squat crew to licensed building managers with huge show budgets - via rotting garages, crumbling cathedrals and finally a takeover of Bristol's ex-police HQ. Relationships in the close team reveal the gain and the pain of success, but 3 years on they're still working for free. Profit or loss?

Second film [TBC]

What would you like to see? Suggestions are welcome at spacecraftireland@gmail.com

Considering these films:

Aufgestanden in Ruinen - Projekt Tacheles [97] Dir Klaus Tuschen

Lost in Vagueness [85} Dir Sofia Olins


HOLD 1 ::: 13:00-28:00

[Talks | Workshops | Screenings] - Free Drop-In

A DIY symposium created by participants, exploring the history, legacy and current state of independent cultural space. Informal and drop-in: any session can be enjoyed on its own. View the schedule/take part in the process here.